in our fibre

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Welcome to FibreMax: Redefining Cable Technology

Established in 2009, FibreMax is a trailblazing force in the cable industry. We are the exclusive
creators of the endlessly wound cable, boasting unparalleled strength and durability. Our cutting-
edge robots expertly wind synthetic fibers around the integrated end-terminations, delivering a cable
that is 85% lighter than steel, rust-resistant, maintenance-free, and built to last more than 30 years.

Our mission is clear - to craft the most efficient, sustainable, and robust synthetic cables worldwide.
With unwavering commitment to quality, innovation, and entrepreneurship, we lead the industry
from the forefront.

At FibreMax, we value our partnerships and are proud to have industry giants like Huisman, Liebherr,
TTS NMF, Favelle Favco, and more among our esteemed clientele. Our custom solutions and seamless
operations set us apart.

Embracing the future, we have expanded our facilities and invested in the energy transition, securing
the supply our of mooring cables to the floating offshore wind industry.

We deliver!

strong connections we have made

We create
the world's strongest

At Fibremax, our production process ensures that we get the most out of every fiber, resulting in cables with exceptional efficiency. Our FibreMax cables boast the highest possible efficiency, a lightweight design, and precise lengths, making them the perfect choice for your application.

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of FibreMax

1. Cranes

Today’s crane business focuses on heavy lifts at increasing reach and heights. Lifting offshore structures, power plant jobs, nuclear work, infrastructure projects and windmill erection all call for cranes that reach increasing heights. But these increasing heights, and subsequently increasing boom lengths, also mean that weight increases too. Enter Fibremax's unique cables that allow the cranes to push these boundaries like never before.

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2. Renewable Energy

Renewable energy sources are increasingly sought after. In a drive to reduce the carbon footprint of energy production, both governments and utility companies have been investing time, effort and lots of money in the development of green energy sources. An additional drive for developing alternative sources of energy is political, as countries that depend on imported energy seek independence from countries that sell their natural resources for financial gain and political influence.

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3. Other Applications

We, as FibreMax, are the recognised worldwide leader in producing customised high-performance fibre cable solutions for fixed structures, mining and more. With our experience, expertise and technology, our engineers can translate your requirements and needs into cable solutions meeting your complex challenges.

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